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Hopeful New Year

| Sat, 1 January 2022

Happy New Year from PornCMS!!

2021 was a growth year for a majority of our site owners, thanks to the lockdowns, and I know we'll all grow a lot more in 2022. OnlyFans has made adult modelling mainstream, C4S is pooping the bed, and paid subscriptions are becoming more accepted (like the old days!)

All good signs!


We had several system upgrades in 2021. Our servers were upgraded in November, which happens every 2 years to keep us on the fastest and latest equipment. The new servers hosting our sites are faster than ever. We doubled the processing power and memory of all the servers. The conversion queues are now running at 70% faster than before the upgrade. Our network disk space capacity is over 1,000TB. Plenty of room for you to add a couple more sites to your adult paysite portfolio! 


The cms security system had a major upgrade in December. Bans and whitelists are processed faster, and user authentication happens in the background every time a video is played. This was an important upgrade, considering we've been seeing the attack numbers at 500k to 2mil per day lately. The system detects attackers faster and bans them across the network within a minute.

The core index file for the cms was upgraded a few days ago too. You probably noticed your pages pop up faster on the screen. This was an optimization upgrade, cleaning up some older code, and also adding the new security updates.


I've been routinely upgrading all the modules in the admin area. This work will continue in 2022.
As always, if you have any suggestions, or see any problems with the cms admin, front-end, comversion queues, or media servers, please email me so I can take a look. I usually don't know there's a problem until a site owner emails or messages me.


2022 is going to be a fantastic year, so let's get started! If you need any help with your site, such as custom programming, marketing help, or you want feedback for an idea, hit me up anytime. I'm usually sitting at my desk watching the servers.

Have Fun and Make Money!

                       ~ Master Ryan

(this newsletter was sent with the PornCMS Member News module. you should send one today too!)
