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PornCMS Version7 Launch

| Wed, 5 April 2023

PornCMS Version7 Launch!!


The new cms admin is a complete rebuild with many new features. Everything is faster, easier, and cleaner.

The new admin runs in a separate folder, so the old admin won't go away. Use the version you like best!


There's a couple new features that are worth mentioning: 

All HTML editable areas in the admin now include the updated HTML editor with VERSIONS!! The new HTML editor includes a real-time preview in your website template and the highly requested saved versions feature. Revert back to a previously saved version anytime.

Watch a demonstration of the new HTML editor with versions:



Homepage Slides editor (the carousel) was completely rebuilt with a new image editor.

You can now create your own slides on the fly - no Photoshop or designer required.

Check out this quick video demonstrating the new Slides manager:



The Beta launch is live for all sites. If you see this banner at the top right of your admin, click it and you are in!


The Version7 rebuild has been in progress since last December. Some of the modules have not yet been moved over. They will be moved in the coming weeks and months. The overall goal is to make it easier and faster to manage a profitable high converting website.

This admin rebuild is in BETA TESTING, which means there might be bugs. If you see a bug, or something funky happens, please Email Support directly or reply to this email. Contact us if you find buttons that don't work, data or content loss (don't worry we store 15 days of hourly backups), or have ideas to make something better.


Custom Template Notice! If your website has any customized template files please reach out to Support. The template files updated for Version7 are: Homepage, Main Body template (1-column, 2-column, and 3-column), the header file, and Video Player. Support will update your custom template files free of charge.


Changelog of Major Feature Updates:

  • *NEW* Crop Tool
  • *NEW* Image Editor (meme maker)
  • *NEW* HTML Editor
  • Videos & Photosets - custom downloads renamed Bonus Files and simplified. allows new types such as PDF
  • Homepage Slides : moved to Media, integrated with new Image Editor
  • HTML Boxes : moved to Media, integrated with new HTML Editor
  • Configure / Navigation : all new menu/navigation manager and front-end menu script. now includes mega menus (show latest videos/photos/models as dropdown). includes top search bar. editable/hideable members and join now buttons.
  • Configure / Colors : new color chooser with live preview in website template.
  • Photosets / manage photos : rotate photo
  • Member Loopup : update expiring free pass


There's still a lot of work to do, so I hope you like it!

Cheers! - Master Ryan
