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Hackers oh my

| Sun, 1 May 2022


Hey Lovely People!

I just want to update you about a few things going on.

I removed the ISP ban about a month ago. Many of the VPN services use cheap ISP hosting, so the ISP ban was kicking your members off the network. I updated all the servers last winter and these monster machines can handle any type of attack. So ISP banning isn't too important for protecting the servers. However, there are login attacks all day every day. There's been a DDOS attack coming in today attacking many sites from thousands of IPs. One of the main attacks is from Cox Cable. It looks like the hackers took over the routers of thousands of Cox customers and now they are using those routers to run login attacks. A login attack is when they continuously try different logins looking for one that works. We only allow an IP to try 6 failed logins per day, and one username to use 12 IPs per day. That means these IPs get banned pretty quickly, but they have thousands.

I wrote a script to automatically report attacks and abuse to the ISPs, which I am sure they love haha. The important thing for you is to check your MEMBERS admin page. If you see a high number of hits or IPs per user, just take a look and see if they seem legit. If you want my help investigating, email me and I'll dig into it. I can look at the raw server logs to find out if the user is legit. I want to ban as few real members as possible.

On a more interesting and positive note, I have been upgrading and improving the cms [slowly but surely] this year. The category manager is upgraded and you can access it from any video. There's also new fields for Director and Studio, requested by our friends at Fetish Model Network. Those help you narrow down your videos a bit better. The Series addition is another huge upgrade. We have some updates coming for that too.

If there's anything you think should be updated, or you have requests, simply email me. I will be working on several cms updates throughout the year. I really want to update every module in the cms if I can. So please send me your ideas, complaints, or even tell me about your day!

Sales overall look pretty strong and growing. OnlyFans growth - combined with a biller attack on the tubes - created a huge growth spurt for legal paysites. If you've been losing interest in your web properties over the last few years, I think its a good time to dust them off and start playing around. Some clients are even saying they get sales from TheHun. Is it 2004 again? LOL

I'm here for you, so hit me up and let's make some money!

Summer starts this weekend in the US, but winter is just around the corner. The recession is hitting hard and people are staying home. They need your awesome content!

Love you all! - Master Ryan

